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Why does coffee make you poop
07.10.2008 · Best Answer: I was reading a wikipedia article about that this morning , here's an excerpt "Coffee is also a powerful stimulant for peristalsis and is is a community with a unique agenda: we are an intellectual poop site. A salon. A brokerage house that specializes in a specific category of humor
Does percocet make you poop
Does Coffee Make You Poop
Why Does Coffee Make you poop? - Coffee.
Does Peanut Butter make you poop?.
Coffee Weight Loss- We investigate why coffee makes you drop a plop. Why does coffee make you poop?
07.04.2008 · Best Answer: When my son was consipated I took him to the Doctor and she told me to have him drink caffeine that will make him go poo easier. Caffeine is a
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the entire world and for many; it is the first thing that comes to mind when they wake up in the morning.
Gross question, but why does coffee make.
26.02.2010 · Best Answer: well I guess it's different with different people. but try peanut butter with bananas thats the Real formula :]
13.08.2008 · Best Answer: mainly because you're hydrating 'stuff' that's been in your system and hasn't had enough fluid to help it move along. Healthy elimination
Does percocet make you poop
Do Bananas Make You PoopWhy does coffee make you poop? - Yahoo!.
Things That Make You Poop Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? - io9. We.
S. You know it when you feel it. You've just sat down at your breakfast table, or settled in at your favorite café. You're a few sips into your brew when, out of